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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Exhibition Jakarta August 2007

Also click this to see other Jakarta related item.

See also event at JCC (Jakarta Convention Center)


RITECH: Research Innovation and Technology. FREE TICKET
the biggest Indonesian Open Source Expo
HATEKNAS (Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional) KE 12
Events: Radio Live Streaming and Digital Music, Seminar “Hacker and IT Clinic”, free and legal software, computer games and competition, IPTEK / Science and Technology Demo, Online Game, Computer for Kids, Robot Demo, computer vendor exhibition
Location: Superblok MGK Kemayoran Jl Angkasa Kav B/6
Information: +6221-25546020

From (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce):

Date Exhibition

02-06 B I T E X
Location Landmark Convention Hall, Bandung
Organizers Multi Sarana Niaga, PT08-14 1ST HEALTH 2000
Location Jakarta Fairground, Kemayoran
Organizers Puri Temu Reka, PT

26-03 SEP
Location Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center
Organizers Antheus Indo AD-PRO,PT

29-02 SEP
Location Hall B, Jakarta Convention Center
Organizers Napindo Media Ashatama, PT

Location Jakarta Convention Center (JCC)
Organizers Napindo Media Ashatama, PT

30-02 SEP
Location Hall A, Jakarta Convention Center
Organizers TOP Reputasindo, PT

Location Bidakara Exhibition Hall
Organizers Wahyu Promo Citra, PT

From (Jakarta International EXPO) : Indoplas, Indopack, Indoprint dan Indofootec 2007, Jakarta Audio Pro Expo (JAPEX) 2007:

General Information



Indoplas, Indopack, Indoprint dan Indofootec 2007



01 Aug 2007 - 04 Aug 2007



Hall A, Hall D1


Organizer : PT Wahana Kemala Niaga
Address : Komplek Perkantoran Graha Kencana Blok CH - CI
Jl. Raya Perjuangan No.88,
Phone : (021) 532 5889
Fax : (021) 532 5891
Website :

General Information



Jakarta Audio Pro Expo (JAPEX) 2007



08 Aug 2007 - 12 Aug 2007



Hall B, Hall C, Open Space


The biggext Pro Audio exhibition in South East Asian / ASEAN region

General Information



Indonesia Expo 2007



08 Aug 2007 - 11 Aug 2007



Hall A


Organizer : PT. JI Expo

Additional information from

8 Aug 2007 - 12 Aug 2007
Jakarta International Expo - Kemayoran

Invesment and Business Opportunities in Every Province, Tourism Facilities and Services, Resource Products in Mining, Agriculture, Plantation, Land & Marine Fisheries, Wood & Rattan Products, Strategic Industrial Products, Natural-based Industrial Products, Textile, Garment, Original Batik & Accessories, Leather Goods & Leather-based Products, Handicrafts, Furniture & Gifts, Supporting Components for Large-scale Industries

One of the biggest, comprehensive, and prestigious international trade exhibition in Asia. This is the eight since the year 2000, featuring wide range of Handicrafts, Furnitures, Wooden Products, Gifts, Toys, Textile & Garments, Food & Beverage, Leather & Footwears, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Products, Natural Resources, Investment Opportunities and Services from local and overseas.

FGD Expo | 8-12 From

August 8th - 12th, 2007

Jakarta Convention Center
Hall A, Hall B, Plenary, Assembly, Cendrawasih, Lower Lobby
5 days show, 8 days move in / install, 2 days move out, 25,000 m2 ground space, 400 exhibitors, 15 supporting organizations, 10,000 professional visitors, 150,000 regular visitors, Seminar, Conference

FGD-Expo 2007
where Technology meets Creativity

Theme of the FGD Expo 2007 has been announced as “where Technology meets Creativity” to reflect the present trend of convergence in graphic arts technology which is mainly driven by creative businesses. As such, FGD Expo 2007 is driven towards setting a higher benchmark in promotion, publishing and packaging businesses that will match or surpass any standards in Indonesia as well as South East Asia.

Business Intelligence Wizard from Indonesia

SAP implementation in Indonesia seems in quite low growth at this period. However there is energy after i read an article regarding the holder of the contributor highest point in Top Contributor List 2006 (worldwide SAP community) apparently he is from Indonesia. He is Edwin Harpino . As consultant we can take this spirit to contribute more in SAP worldwide contribution, projects, and community.

He collected more than 20 thousand point in less than one year in 2006. This score was more than twice comparing to highest point people earned in 2005 (by Thomas Jung). People in the forum will give 6 points if the answer in the forum thread is very helpful and 10 points if really it solves problem discussed. So Edwin Harpino can provide around 2000 problem solving or at average 167 per month productively. His expertise is in Business Intelligence or Business Warehouse development (BI/BW) and some people call him BI Wizard for his achievement.

See Also:

- The Best of 2006

Monday, July 30, 2007

Spur: Most Effective Government

Saya baru baca kalau pemerintah Singapura termasuk yg paling efektif di dunia. Hmm apa bedanya efektif dan efisien?? (au ah)…dari hasil ngalor ngidul dg beberapa teman yg proyek di Spur termasuk ikut proyek yg di pemerintahannya, efektifitas pemerintahannya dikarenakan sistem dan orang2nya.

Orang2 pemerintahan adalah orang profesional dan bukan orang yang salah jurusan (di kita kacaunya orang bukan tata kota ngerjain perijinan tata kota misalnya, karna KKN).

Sistemnya ternyata mereka menggunakan ratusan instance SAP (ada yg bilang 200an), suatu software enterprise resources planning / ERP. Sampai tentaranya juga (ministry of defense / mindef) mulai dari angkatan udara, navy, dll … juga pake SAP. Padahal SAP ini mahal, lambat, dan banyak masalah… tapi komplit. Di Indonesia perusahaan besar BUMN yg pake seperti Pertamina dan Telkom. Untuk membentuk sistem yang efektif mungkin bisa seperti ini yaitu bayar lisensi suatu sistem yg mahal daripada mahal karena sogok2an. Sistem jadi lebih transparan juga.

ERP SAP memang bisa ngurusin tetek bengek hulu-ke-hilir mulai dari human resources, financial controlling, material management, plant maintenance, sales distribusi sama produksinya … waste management sampai defense and security. Konsultan besar SAP di Spur malah penghasilan terbesarnya dari proyek di pemerintah ini.

SAP Instance

Ratusan SAP instance? dalam implementasi minimal satu perusahaan punya satu landscape, satu landscape ini bisa terdiri dari dua atau tiga sistem. Biasanya satu sistem untuk development, satu lagi untuk quality assurance/QA, satu lagi untuk production. Real user transaction adanya di production, data dan transaksi disini bukan untuk main2 atau test berbeda dg di development dan QA. Apapun yg tidak lolos di QA tidak boleh masuk production sebelum diperbaiki dan ditest lagi. Secara umum data production adalah rahasia banget. Satu sistem production biasanya lagi terdiri dari satu atau beberapa SAP INSTANCE untuk keperluan load balancing yg berdasarkan departemen (bisa jg group, wilayah, negara, dll). Jadi ujung2nya ada ratusan departemen juga di pemerintahan Spur yang sistem dan prosedurnya ditangani oleh server2 SAP .

Satu perusahaan kadang punya beberapa landscape juga, misalnya yg satu buat transaksi (OLTP) dan satu lagi buat business intelligence (OLAP). Seringnya satu landscape dipakai oleh banyak perusahaan dan anak2nya. Datanya menjadi lebih terpusat, kasarnya seorang top managemen dari tempat duduknya bisa melihat semua data transaksi di pabrik, di bagian pemasaran, di HR walaupun berbeda lokasi dan negara dengan cara cklak-cklik saja (nyatanya data2 itu memang ada, tapi direktur juga mungkin cuman bisa baca laporan yg diringkas doang).

teori: instance adalah sekumpulan process (beberapa work process) yang bekerja sama melayani satu host dan port server/services tertentu.

Harus pake SAP?

Jawabannya tidak juga, apalagi lisensi SAP nya mahal. Kalaupun pake harus melalui perhitungan matang, misalnya kalau biaya sogok2an ternyata lebih mahal dari bayar implementasi dan lisensi SAP, mungkin lebih bagus ngikutin Spur. ERP yg lain masih banyak atau kita malah bisa develop ERP sendiri? Saya sarankan engine nya nyontek SAP, untuk engine SAP bisa dipelajari tutorial dan didownload di (free trial version)

ini adalah engine SAP ABAP, engine SAP yg lain adalah JAVA. yg ABAP ini yang lebih stabil dan cepet. Yg ini dibawah Win dan database MaxDB. Engine lain bisa jalan di berbagai operating system dan database (Windows, AIX, UX Unix, Linux, Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, dll). Nah siapa yg bisa nyontek arsitektur engine nya dulu deh? misalnya di Linux.

Software bagus itu tidak ada masalah?

SAP sering disebut ’setan aja pusing’ saking banyaknya error. Apakah ini jelek? Susah ngukurnya. Yang penting banyak yg mau pakai dan walaupun bermasalah terpaksa pakai …hihi maksa. Jadi karena banyak yg makai maka banyak ketahuan errornya. Kalau software jarang yang pakai ya gak ketahuan errornya. Sifat error yg kritis di SAP biasanya menghentikan atau menunda proses bisnis, sementara error aplikasi lain mungkin bisa dicuekin dan tidak sampai proses bisnis terhenti karenanya.

Yg paling penting disini adalah bagaimana SAP menangani error ini, customer bisa melaporkan melalui media online dan ditangani oleh suatu mekanisme yang jalan setiap hari setiap jam (24jamx7hari). kalau sifatnya kritis, SAP bisa telfon langsung dari Jerman dan minta masuk ke sistem kita untuk mengusulkan perbaikan. Idealnya sebelum lapor ke SAP, customer punya sistem internal (helpdesk, desk support, outsourcing or internal support service, internal consulting) yang coba menangani dulu, kalau angkat tangan baru lapor ke SAP.

Perbaikan ini kalau ada akan diuji melalui sistem development dan QA punya kita dan mereka dan didistribusikan ke seluruh dunia dalam bentuk SAP notes dan patches untuk diuji jg (baru ke production system). Jadilah ini merupakan development dan koreksi yang hidup tumbuh sepanjang hari dan setiap saat. Saya belum melihat yang seperti ini di Oracle atau Microsoft. Kalaupun ada tampaknya seperti langsung ‘tembak’ ke sistem production. Ini bukan stylenya software eropa kali ya?.

Penutup sebelum jalan2

Maaf baru lihat besarnya download SAP ABAP trial ini adalah 2.8GB an. ……….

baru inget perusahaan sampah di Singapore dan Malaysia juga di belakangnya di atur sistem SAP. Di kita sayangnya perusahaan sampah juga jarang denger. Wah serius banget nih bikin blog tapi kok ngalor ngidul hmm…ok cabut.

kalau belajar programmingnya bisa kesini kang, udah ada jg softwarenya:

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Iraq fighting spirit beating Saudi in Asian Cup Final

Irak won 1-0 beating Saudi in 2007 Asian Cup soccer final event. This shown how Irak fighting spirit has been working from first day of American occupation in Irak. Younis Mahoud, the goal scorer, instead telling about soccer, said for the world “I want America going out. Leaving out today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, just go out! I want America people not invading Irak and hope this will end soon” said the skipper. Younnis was also selected as best player in the tournament as I quoted from

However his hope seems just dream. In recent news, American will pour the region with billions of new weaponry to create next phase of war business through strategic selling of weaponry to Saudi and other Arab countries as well as to Israel. America pushes Saudi to buy 20 billion usd of military arms from America using Saudi’s oil money. They also pushes other Arab countries to make such deal for long term.

From this selling, America will fund military aids as of 30 billion USD for Israel. In return, it will also accelerate and secure American oil projects in Irak as the main target of the invasion.

Younis Mahmoud scored the only goal in 71st-minute. This is the first time champion for Irak in the event. The event took place at Gelora Bung Karno stadium, Jakarta.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lets Say big NO to Singapore DCA

DCA is Defence Agreement between Indonesia and Singapore. This agreement is in return of Extradition Agreement (Extradition Treaty/ET) for Indonesian criminal which put most of their assets in Singapore because Singapore currently legalize them and considering nothing about money laundering from other countries. With this agreement, Singapore has approved the existence of such illegal assets from Indonesian criminal in Singapore beside their illegal assets in Indonesia.

Most of Indonesian think that the criminal should be pursued without any economic or other agreement or exchange in return. However in the DCA agreement Indonesian should provide their region opened for Singapore military ‘training’. Indonesia should pay such cost for this law enforcement effort of Singaporean. Law enforcement for the criminal in Singapore absolutely not free, the bad thing is this way is not different with Indonesian law enforcement, many thing is about money. Indonesian government should be very careful with such agreement since Singapore is likely US satellite and proxy in south east asia region (it is all right for US that the country less democracy).

Without this payment in return from Indonesia to Singapore, Singapore has no willing and cooperation to let the criminal going in justice, Singapore even will keep the pocket stay with them if we don’t sign the payment with DCA agreement. I suggest to say NO to this DCA agreement since there is no benefit only prolong such payment practice for law enforcement. No money , no law ler (no law lah).

visa kerja ke Inggris tanpa tawaran kerja : HSMP


Maaf ini catatan pribadi dan tidak terlalu akurat.

Setelah coba2 cari jenis visa ke luar negri yg cukup fair, salah satunya adalah HSMP (high skilled migrant program) yg kayaknya diperuntukan untuk yg punya skill profesional dan jarang (ada daftar pekerjaan yg jarang)

Syarat2nya adalah sbb (untuk tahun 2007)

  • punya skor IELTS band 6 (band ini level kali ya), next q: test dimana kalau di indonesia?? dan kapan, biaya serta effort berapa mahal, banyak dan lama ???
  • point lulus HSMP minimal 75 dihitung dari berbagai faktor: pendidikan, umur, lama pengalaman kerja, gaji sekarang. Semua harus dibuktikan bukan dari CV tapi dari dokumen2 resmi seperti form pajak (menunjukkan penghasilan), ijazah, dll
  • untuk coba liat skor bisa coba kalkulator HSMP (site ini belum approved/registered nya, takut tepu)
  • skor HSMP dari gaji: untuk yg kerja di Indonesia harus punya gross salary minimal 5000poundsterling per tahun (Rp 100Jt) untuk dapet point 45
  • skor HSMP dari umur: bisa nyumbang 20 point kalau umur dibawah 27 tahun, tidak ada point kalau diatas 32 tahun
  • skor HSMP dari pendidikan: sarjana 30points, maksimum 50 point untuk PhD, selain itu tidak ada point; bonus tambahan 5 point kalau pendidikan termasuk “UK Qualification”
  • skor HSMP dari pengalaman kerja: hmm ini gak nemu ya, tapi begini kira2: ada keharusan bahwa kita sudah teliti pasar kerja di UK bahwa kita punya skill yg bagus untuk masuk sana “You have researched the UK Job Market and believe that you will find graduate level work”
  • biaya pengurusan HSMP adalah 400poundsterling (Rp 8Jt per 2007), peak pengurusan adalah Me-September, bisa apply kapan saja; pembayaran bisa dengan kartu keredit (kalau mau nyicil bisa juga hehe), uang hangus kalau tidak lulus
  • dapat HSMP belum tentu dapat visa kunjungan ke Inggris, untuk visa kunjungan ini ada biasa tambahan jg 200poundsterling (Rp 4Jt)
  • dapat HSMP dan visa kunjungan belum tentu dapat kerja… cepe deh

Urutan dapetin HSMP kayaknya begini deh:

  1. Hitung2 dulu skor kita bahwa kemungkinan besar point kita minimal 75
  2. Survey dan coba2 apply ke perusahaan di Inggris dan yakinkan bahwa keahlian kita cukup dicari di pasar kerja Inggris
  3. apply HSMP dengan cara mengirimkan dokumen2 asli (ijazah, form pajak, dll) ke Inggris
  4. tunggu sampai dapat HSMP dan tidak perlu dapat pekerjaan dulu di Inggris
  5. setelah dapat HSMP perlu dapat visa juga dari kedutaan di Jakarta untuk pergi ke Inggris (dengan tujuan cari kerja atau mulai kerja)

Catatan lainnya:


  • Apply HSMP jangan di bulan2 sibuk Mei-September
  • Gaji belum memenuhi syarat: coba rencanakan contract base yg bisa ngasih gaji minimal 2x gaji permanen (untuk konsultan di Jakarta dg cara kontrak bisa dapet gaji minimal 15Jt-35Jt dan bisa juga lebih per bulannya), ini bisa mempercepat pencapaian syarat minimum gaji per tahunnya
  • Selalu update tiga hal ini dan update juga di CV pribadi untuk laporan 1. knowledge 2. skill 3. expererience. Knowledge diperoleh dari baca buku, seminar, diskusi dg temen dan sharing. Skill dari ngerjain sendiri (tapi bukan untuk perusahaan atau customer, cuman dalam rangka belajar) atau dari experience juga seeeh. Experience: ngerjain sendiri dari tuntutan kerja profesi/profesional. Kalau update sebulan sekali, anda di jalan yang benar (menurut saya hehe).

notebook battery life for 6 hours

I think if we need a quite long battery life and still cheap solution, don’t go for dual core or even core 2 duo processor, see,39001749,39133705,00.htm

from,39050489,39073841p-0,00.htm :

The TravelMate no doubt impressed due to its exceptional battery life. Using MobileMark 2002, a rating of 364 minutes was attained which is comparable with the HP nx5000 which holds one of the highest ratings for mainstream notebooks.

Performance-wise, the 4001LMi clocked a performance rating of 163. This compares favorably with other mainstreams with a 1.5GHz processor such as the NEC Versa E2000 with a score of 148 and is almost on par with the HP nx5000’s score of 161.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Comparing Airbus and Boing

Contoh airbush & boeing, : a Boeing is faster than Airbus but Airbus is safer than Boeing. ’statistical significance’ hasilnya significance level = 95% .

Test click here( :
- Name1 = pepsi
- Name 2 = coca cola
- adjective 1 = worse
- adjective 2 = cheaper
- adjective 3 = larger
- klik tombol submit

Exhibition Jakarta July 2007: Building, Ceramics, Crafts and Culture

Also click this to see other Jakarta related item.

See also event at JCC (Jakarta Convention Center)

15th International Motor Show 19-28 July 2007 at JCC (Jakarta Convention Center), see this for details

Held at JCC (Jakarta Convention Center) 11-15 July 2007.

exhibiton on building material, services, technology and industry , see here for detail (

exhibition on ceramics industry and technology

Jakarta Fair, until 14 June - 15July 2007: or PRJ2007 (Pekan Raya Jakarta) with more than 2 million visitor and 1500booth; ticket Rp 20000 (smart card ticketing); public transport: busway, other buses; see info is taken from :

Hall A, Hall B, Hall C, Hall D, Hall E, Gambir Expo, Open Space, Gedung Pusat Niaga
Arena PRJ Kemayoran Jakarta 10620
+62 21 2664 5000/131,
F 6570 0010

Hall A : furniture, craft non garment, building material, interior and furniture accessories.

Hall B and Hall C: government and public sector.

Hall D : electronics, telecommunication, computers, Home Appliance, Water Filter, cosmetics, Sport entertainment hall.
Hall E : product from small and medium enterprise companies.

Open space: street art performance, band festival, traditional food and delicacy, Surya Institute with Mad Science program, music concert and performance.

exhibition on Cultural Heritage & Craft for the world 11-15 July, see following message from :

Welcome to The Season of
Indonesian Cultural Heritage & Craft 2007

Indonesian extensive diversity of cultural heritage and craft products have long been admired, appreciated and studied by world communities. For gaining more comprehensive information as well as procuring them as private collection or business investment, you are cordially invited to : The Season of Indonesian Cultural Heritage & Craft 2007
Jakarta Convention Center, 11 – 15 July 2007

Under the theme “Diversity of Indonesian Cultural Heritage & Craft for the World“, The Season of Indonesian Cultural Heritage & Craft 2007 is designed to be attractive, innovative, communicative and educative, by highlighting the inherited vast variety of Indonesian culture, produced by creative and skillful Indonesian art workers.

exhibition “MIDDLE EAST FAIR 2007″

Business, Cultural, Tourism, and Investment
Iran, Maroko, Tunisia, Aljazair countries, Saudi Arabia
Semanggi Expo Hall B SCBD-Jakarta
11-15 July 2007 (10.00-20.00)
Program: Exhibition and Business Forum and Seminar, Cultural Performance

Organizer: KADIN DKI, Jakarta Investment Board