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Sunday, April 27, 2008

SAP communication, RFC problem in general

RFC is remote function communication, RFC sometimes also refers to RFC connection which contain detail of how the connection connect to external system and will be used for RFC. some SAP RFC problems:
- transport problem, STMS
- interface to SAP or non SAP  problem, IDOC
- data loading in BW landscape from OLTP/ERP system
- authentication problem
- single sign on / SSO problem
- connection to ABAP and non ABAP (Java stack) system
- secure connection confiruration with secure certificate
- firewall acccess list, saprouter access list / saprouttab file control limitation, a certain port is blocked by network component, or network routing is not correctly defined (routing table)
- access type through dialog service or message server
- network definition is not defined in operation system level (Unix level/Windows level) e.g. services and hosts file

Some solution that we can try to such prpblem:
- change IP to correct one, consider that you may also have virtual IP when a node of physical host not working
- update kernel part or whole kernel , first focus only to tp or tp.exe, R3trans or R3trans.exe tools
- check SM59 connection test, if RFC connection is generated one, you may need to regenerate RFC using the correct parameters (IP, hostname, user ID, password, etc), sometimes manual creation is not possible
- activate other side program with mentioned in program ID
- apply correct security certificate
- use the correct hostname same with other side definition e.g. with FQDN (full domain name) when an application/host have several hostname representation because of clustering, virtual node, alias hostname etc

message collection:

Could not start transport control program tp
Message no. TP608 Diagnosis

There was an attempt to start the transport control program tp using the local RFC interface. An error occurred here.

Error code: 4
RFC error text: timeout during allocate / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV'

Meaning of the error codes:
03 RFC system failure
04 RFC communication failure

System Response
The function terminates. Details about the error can be found in the trace file of the Gateway Monitor (SMGW).

SMGW logs are as follows:

*** ERROR => GwISearchPartner: timeout, partner LU: >hostname<, TP: >M:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\exe\tp.EXE< http://gwr3cpic.c 6135
*** ERROR => GwISearchPartner: HOST: hostname conv ID:  http://gwr3cpic.c 6148

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