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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Disaster Recovery, DRC and DRP

DRC = Disaster Recovery Center, DRP = Disaster Recovery Plan

Issue : cost reduction for DRC, technology, scope
Infrastructure: additional data center, additional communication link, medium to high speed link between data center and DRC, standard and operation procedure

Resources for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity (general):

DRC Type:
  • Hot DRC: data continuously synchronized or backuped to DRC infrastructure, business operation user still can continue their operation without significant disruption when disaster happening in original services
  • Warm DRC: like Hot DRC except there will be manual switch to DRC system
  • Cold DRC: most updated backup will be used for restoration to DRC center when disaster happens, there will be manual moving to DRC system

Others: Oracle Data Guard, Orale ODG, backup, backup and restore, full bacup, online bakup, differential backup, partial backup, backup to disk, backup to tape, archive log, online log, offline logg, database check, full offline bakup, oline consistent backup,
force majeure, exit point, DRC mirroring, BCP, DRC sizing, DRC product, DRC site, online data storage, emergency data processing, hot site facility, host site recovery, ready to run DRC site, contingency plan, contigent DRC, testing, cost, investment on DRC, collocation, data center

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