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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Getting SAP License Key / Serial Key legally via marketplace

There are at least 3 license key types
1. SAP License key: for SAP instance/server installation, new licenses and Old Licenses, e.g. NetWeaver_ORA
2. SSCR key: for modifying or creating SAP objects under SAP name space
3. developer key: for ABAP user to be able to create and modify ABAP objects under customer name space
4. SAP maintenance license: in some cases we can't install patches anymore without this license, called e.g. Maintenance_ORA

To get the license, we need to have s user that has authorization to register the installation and object, and authorization to generate the licenses. For example user s user naming is s00019920706 with password 19920706.
To register the installation use the s user in URL
To get the licenses use URL

SAP will send the license to our email address registered when requesting the license. You can also download the serial keys from above URL when the license is completed status. For ABAP stack we can apply through tcode SLICENSE or in OS level through saplicense command. Visual Administrator is used in Java stack for same purpose.

Some tables and tcodes that has relation with developer key: DEVACCESS, USR02, usmm tcode, SLIC/SLICENSE tcode, saplicense OS command.

Without the correct license you may only login with sap* (sapstar) user in client 000 which not able to run any meaningful business transaction. There is hack for superuser password when sap* is locked/unknown password, a certain row in table USR02 can be deleted through database access at OS level, then the superuser password will be back to default "pass" (A certain sap parameter need to be applied beforehand).

SAP is legal business tools that we have to keep away from cracking activity to get license.

1 comment:

XIPE_CSESD said...

how new pass for OSS user pleace i need generate license for ECC7 tnx