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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Training institute was raided in India

n SAP training insitute was raided in India due to their server installation which were unlicensed, read the news here. The servers were used for training purpose, they were probably IDES version of SAP. SAP India also said that the institute was unauthorized.

There seems not only SAP server licenses which are illegally installed and used but also SAP academy documents (such as SAP BC400 as ABAP material training, SAP SAPTEC for SAP BASIS administration training) are likely freely distributed over Internet and people can download from some internet sharing storage. I don’t know whether SAP allow such practices.

I think unauthorized SAP training activity still can deliver their own training material and use licensed SAP customer servers (e.g development, QA/training client) for training purpose (not unlicensed IDES / SAP servers). But this needs more efforts to develop better quality training as SAP standard training material have.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Using two network connection, modem and LAN together

When our LAN connection has no good internet access or limited internet but we need to work such as accessing office servers, probably we have our own internet connection as additional connection. In my case, this internet connection uses modem (GPRS from 3G handphone).

To configure both connection together, we should also consider to modify network routing table in laptop or computer. To configure this we need to

  • test LAN connection without modem
    • make sure our modem is not dialed up / connected, only our LAN cable
    • to test, run menu Start | Run | cmd ENTER | ipconfig /all ENTER
    • notice gateway IP address and ping out to this address e.g “ping″, the connection is OK if there is reply
    • note: in Unix/Linux the command would be ifconfig
  • test modem connection without LAN
    • make sure our LAN cable is not connected
    • use your own procedure to connect the modem to service provider
    • after connected, use same procedure for LAN to test the connection
  • test modem and LAN
    • connect LAN cable to computer, and dial up to internet provider with the modem
    • run menu Start | Run | cmd ENTER | ipconfig /all ENTER
    • run “route print”
    • run “route delete″
    • run “route add mask″ to create routing for our LAN to gateway of our office LAN
    • run “route add mask″ to create network routing for our internet connection to gateway of internet provider
    • we can copy and paste the above commands with probably there will be change in internet gateway everytime we connect / dial-up again using the modem

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

making ourphone as iPhone

The iPhone becomes iphone, and i think it is possible to make our phone as iphone, even better phone than iphone. iphone is new family of phone, iPhone is Steve Jobs’ product. iPhone seems having better user-friendly feature, great multimedia feature, ipod and phone combination, but this is not revolutionary.

To make this possible our phone should be at least

  • PDA phone
  • has internet, wifi and bluetooth connection
  • proven internet and multimedia capability

I am sure that iPhone is better in many points from our phone, but however if we think it is not time to buy iPhone, just use our phone to have certain iPhone capability. One of the capability is youtube video player, i think it is very possible in most of non-iPhone PDA or smartphone, but of course it is possibly we have to install some plug-in or additional software component for existing browser. However i am sure more countries will use this capability just an unuseful additional acsessories because of internet infrastructure limitation and internet cost and only good if you go to a internet hot spot first.

The iPhone operating system OS X is probably also not yet proven in mobile phone, while other operating system run well for mobile game, personal assistance, multimedia player, internet browser and internet messaging. Messaging seems not quite supported by iPhone, no MMS, lack of stylus for writing, and unproven virtual keyboard. I think iPhone is definitely not for chatting with any style.

Ourphone also has huge and more software selection than iPhone, what you can enjoy with iPhone is probably not new software or game but new song and video. Our phone data communication will be also better than iPhone since there is no 3G connection making iPhone slower downloading internet data.

There is also no such video call in iPhone. It probably better to buy when iPhone2 is launched, in that time there will be more competitive product choices of iphone (not iPhone).

Other iphones:

  • CECT P168: iPhone style phone with dual SIM card from China
  • HTC Touch with MS Mobile 6 OS, 3G and Wifi, more software choices

Liburan Anak 2007

There are some activities for your kids and family for this 2007 school break.

- tips: Idea of Accessing Internet anywhere and anytime in Indonesia, click here
- exhibition in Jakarta July

1. Adventure Kids Camp

Temen2 ex-pramuka SMA5 punya camping ground di sekitar

maribaya lembang mengadakan Adventure Kids Camp ke-3
tgl 7-8 Juli (utk umur 9-13thn).
Bagi yg tidak ingin anak2nya jadi “anak mamih” yg
lebih suka pergi ke mall :-), atau anak2 jepang yg
mengira telor itu buatan pabrik, mari ajak anak2 kita
kembali ke alam.


contact: +62-22-520 4292

2. Exhibition at JCC like Bobo Fair (Pameran Anak2), Cellular Show, Computer Festival; see for details. Ticket (HTM/harga tiket masuk) : Rp 5000.

3. Studi Wisata Islam and Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur, information from . Contact Telp. +6221-829 98437 or +6221-835 1948.

4. List of interesting places from Wahidah, click here from Karavan Vila Apel Gardena, Caldera Ed Venture Program (CEVP), Kolam Sahabat Laut, Museum Bahari, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Bayt AI-quran, Taman Nasional Gunung Pantjar, Taman Buah Mekarsari, outbound, agrowisata, agro tourism etc

5. Jambore From for more programs and details:

Sanjore … Pesantren kilat sambil Jambore
Waktu :
30 Juni sampai dengan 4 Juli 2007.
Materi : Akhlaq Quran,
Simulasi dan training penanggulangan bencana alam, kunjungan dan bakti sosial
biaya :
Rp. 350.000,00
Fasilitas : akomodasi, transportasi, konsumsi, souvenir, sertifikat, serta asuransi jiwa
tempat :di Situ Cileunca, Ds. Sukawana, Pangalengan, Bandung Selatan

Pendaftaran paling lambat 17 Juni, tapi cobain aja lagi deh biasanya sih masih bisa sampai 1 minggu sebelum berangkat.
ke Shofa (081 322 505 949), Rizqon (085 624 060 468), Gita (085 624 617 976), dan Ghozi ((081 573 202 345).
Untuk : 3-6 SD
penyelenggara : PAS

Salam, Pesantren alam
Materi : Akhlaq Quran -metoda Rumah Qurani-, bermain bersama penduduk, nginap di alam, berkebun, mencoba kesenian khas sunda, membuat rakit, halang rintang, dst
biaya : Rp 925.000/orang
Fasilitas : sama dgn di atas
Waktu : 1-5 Juli 2007
Pendaftaran : Ira 0812-1405-647, Jl Dago Hegar no 10 Bandung
Tempat : Desa Sukaresmi Sinumbra kabupaten Bandung
Untuk 3 SD-3 SMP

6. Wisata Jajan and others, see tabloidNova for details:

Masih kurang puas, Anda bisa mencoba berbagai tawaran wisata berikut:
Citarik One Stop Adventure
Rafting, family trecking trip, paintball, adventure offroad trip. Juga tersedia cottage berupa rumah pohon. Informasi: PT Lintas Jeram Nusantara, Graha Macula, Ground Floor, Jl. KH. Abdullah Syafi’ie No. 5 (Jl. Lapangan Rose Raya),
Jakarta 12840, telp: (021) 835-5885, 925-9230, fax: (021) 831-4834. Biaya: Rp 145.000 ­ Rp 345.000,- per pax

2. Karavan Vila Apel Gardena
Menikmati alam pegunungan sambil bermalam di Karavan, Cipanas, Puncak. Alamat: Villa Apel Gardena Cipanas, Puncak, telp. (0263) 511902-03, (021) 6396103, 6492216, (0263) 511 901-3, 519 856 fax: (0263) 5119453. Harga sewa per malam Rp 220.000 ­ Rp 495.000

3. Caldera Ed Venture Program
Outbound untuk anak-anak. Alamat: Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 39, Gd. Nariba Plaza Unit D13, Jakarta Selatan 12790, telp: (021) 79196633/44, fax: (021) 79196644. Biaya paket wisata Rp 175.000 ­ Rp 225.000 per hari per orang

4. Kolam Sahabat Laut
Alamat: Kolam Sahabat Laut, Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol Jl. Lodan Timur No. 7 Jakarta 14430, telp. (021) 641-0080, fax: (021) 641-0079 Tiket masuk: Rp 20.000,- (Senin ­ Jumat), Rp 25.000,- (Sabtu dan Minggu)

5. Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun
Berpetualang di hutan dan bermain di air terjun. Tersedia juga arena camping dan tempat menginap. Alamat: Jl. Raya Cipanas, Kabandungan, PO.Box 2 Parung Kuda, Sukabumi, telp. (0266) 621-256, fax: (0266) 621-257. Tiket masuk Rp 3.500. Menginap Rp 150.000 ( 4 orang ) per malam.

6. Taman Buah Mekarsari
Belajar menjadi petani. Anak-anak boleh memetik, makan dan membawa pulang buah. Alamat: Jl. Raya Cileungsi ­ Jonggol Km. 3, Cileungsi, Bogor 16820, telp. (021) 823-1811-13, fax: (021) 823-1475. Tiket masuk: Senin ­ Jumat Rp.5.000 (minimal 20 orang), Sabtu dan Minggu: Rp 4.000 (per orang)

7. Safari Trek
Anak bisa belajar mendaki gunung dan menjelajahi alam bebas.
Alamat: Taman Safari Indonesia, Cisarua, Bogor, telp: (0251) 253222, Biaya: Rp. 15.000 per orang

8. Kampoeng Maen
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 39, Jakarta Selatan, telp: (021) 7919-6633/44, fax: (021) 7919-6644. Biaya: Rp 50.000/2 jam. Paket: Rp 175.000 ­ Rp 375.000

9. Aquatic Fantasy
Arena permainan air untuk anak-anak. Alamat: Jl. Raya Muchtar, Sawangan, Depok, Komp. Perumahan Real Estate Telaga Golf, telp. (021) 778-888999. Tiket masuk: Rp 15.000

10. Museum Tekstil
Selain bisa melihat koleksi kain, di tempat ini juga ada kursus membatik. Alamat:
Jl. KS. Tubun No. 4 Jakarta Barat, telp/fax: (021) 560-6613. Tiket masuk: Rp 2.000 (umum), Rp 1.000 (mahasiswa), Rp 600 (pelajar). Biaya: Rp 25.000 - Rp 100.000 per orang

11. Kebun Wisata Pasir Mukti
Wisata agro, tempat belajar menanam, memancing, main lumpur. Juga ada api unggun. Reservation: Jl. Raya Tajur Pasirmukti Km.4 Citeureup Bogor, telp. (021) 87943864-65, fax: (021) 87943860. Biaya: Rp 200.000 ­ Rp 300.000 (2 hari/1 malam) per orang

12. Doctor Rabbit Science & Adventure Preschool
Camping setiap liburan. Anak-anak bisa melakukan eksperimen sederhana. Alamat: Jl. Taman Sari I No. 77, Karang Tengah Lebak Bulus, Jaksel, telp. (021) 750-8371, 769-4786. Biaya: Rp 300.000/keluarga.

13. Tempat Keramik Widjayanto
Belajar membuat keramik. Alamat: Jl. Curug Agung No. 1, Tanah Baru, Depok, telp. (021) 7757685,7757689. Biaya: 1 bola tanah Rp. 50.000


Caldera Ed Venture Program (CEVP).Di sini anak bisa bermain outbound. Biaya Rp 100.000 per anak untukpaket 1 hari.
Customer service:
Kaki Lintas Katulistiwa, Gd. Nariba Plaza Unit D-13,
JI. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 39, Jaksel.
Telp. (021) 7919 6633. Fax. (021) 7919 6644.
Museum Bahari.Anak bisa melihat miniatur kapal tradisional Indonesia Yang membawaharum nama Bangsa Indonesia, Phinisi Nusantara. Buka dari Selasa-Minggu,
tarif masuk Rp. 2.000 untuk umum.
Museum Bahari,
Jl. Pasar Ikan No. 1 Jakarta Utara (Daerah Sunda Kelapa
Telp. (021) 6693406. Fax. (021) 669 0518,
Speedy Karting.Sekolah gokart khusus anak dan tempat anak bermain olahraga gokart.Sewa gokart Rp 45.000, sekolah gokart Rp. 1,5 juta.
Tempat Hanggar Teras Pancoran,
JI. Gatot Subroto Kav. 72, Jaksel.
Telp. (021) 79184674.
There is also new tract at Pondok Indah (near Pondok Indah Mall)
Pusat Primata Schmutzer.Di kawasan ini anak bisa melihat secara langsung kenekaragaman hewanprimata, termasuk gorila.
Tarif masuk mulai Rp. 2000.
Taman Margasatwa Ragunan,
JI. Harsono RM No. 1, Ragunan, Jakarta 12550.
Telp. (021) 780 6975, 789 0615. Fax. (021) 780 5280
Observatorium Bosscha.Tempat wisata ilmiah di mana anak bisa melihat bintang dan rasi/gugusanbintang. Tarif mulai Rp. 5.000.
Observatorium Bosscha, Departemen Astronomi ITB, Lembang, Bandung 40391
Telp. (022) 278 6001
Cyber Spot.Tempat rekreasi dan edukasi keluarga.
Alamat Jakarta:
Jl. Mega Kuningan Lt. 5 No. 1, Jakarta Selatan.
Telp. (021) 579 59367
Alamat Bandung:
Bandung Supermal Lt. 2, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Bandung.
Alamat Surabaya:
Jl. Pemuda 90-94, Surabaya.
Outbound Kids & Wonderland at Sentul City

This item will be updated regularly. status:regular

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Miracleous Image and Quran’s Mathematics

Hoax or miracle? I love quoting this comment:

more important thing we have to remember is that the Holy Quran is revealed for the whole mankind till the day of judgment irrespective of its miracle facts i.e. number of certain words are correct or otherwise mathematically.

However I agree that we have what my friend say as tabayyun for information (i think tabayyun means “to confirm” selected, right, and qualified information). Any information we get should be through quality assurance to confirm it from right sources. That what happens to Quran and Hadits itself in which people can get the quality level (in originality) of the material.

After finding following site regarding miracleous photo taken abroad and mathematics in Quran, i think we also should consider the same thing to confirm the quality of this information.

Lafal Allah are shown on many images. Are they natural? take a look.

Revealing God’s sign through MS Excel

forum at numbers and math curiosity

Mathematics on Quran / Koran, is it hoax?

The said miracles are ranging from mathematic finding in Quran into photo/images taken to large scale object (such as Mars planet, sea, or Africa continent from satellite) which contain image of Allah writing in Arabic.

However as the comment said, irrespective of its miracle facts or hoax, the material should not become our main consideration to our beliefs.

I got an email today regarding other miracleous thing as following (still not sure whether this is fact or hoax, but you will know this matches the pattern of hoax).

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Masihkah kita ragu dengan AL QUR’AN dan Allah SWT?
The very interesting findings of the Holy Qur’an

Tahukah anda, di dalam Al Qur’an terdapat kata-kata LAKI-LAKI sebanyak 24 dan kata-kata PEREMPUAN juga berjumlah yang sama sebanyak 24 ?
Tahukah anda, di dalam Al Qur’an terdapat kata-kata DUNIA sebanyak 115 dan kata-kata AKHIRAT juga berjumlah yang sama sebanyak 115 ?

Tahukah anda, di dalam Al Qur’an terdapat kata-kata MALAIKAT sebanyak 88 dan kata-kata SYAITHAN juga berjumlah yang sama sebanyak 88 ?
Tahukah anda, di dalam Al Qur’an terdapat kata-kata HIDUP sebanyak 145 dan kata-kata MATI juga berjumlah yang sama sebanyak 145 ?
Tahukah anda, di dalam Al Qur’an terdapat kata-kata LAUT sebanyak 32 dan kata-kata DARATAN berjumlah sebanyak 13 ?
Dimana 32 + 13 = 45
Luas Lautan 32/45 x 100% = 71,11% dari permukaan bumi dan Luas Daratan 13/45 x 100% = 28,89% dari permukaan bumi. Dan ini terbukti…

English Version:

T he Very interesting findings of Dr. Tariq Al Swaidan might grasp your attention: Dr.Tarig Al Swaidan discovered some verses in the Holy Qur’an That mention one thing is equal to another, ! i.e. men are equal to women. Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times the word man appears in the Holy Qur’an is 24 and number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore not only is this phrase correct in the grammatical sense but also true mathematically, i.e. 24 = 24. Upon further analysis of various verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Holy Qur’an where it says one thing is like another. See below for astonishing result of the words mentioned number of times in Arabic Holy Qur’an
Dunia (one name for life) 115 . Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115

Malaika (Angels) 88 . Shayteen (Satan) 88 Life 145 …… Death 145

Benefit 50 . Corrupt 50 People 50 .. Messengers 50 Ebl ees (king of devils) 11 . Seek refuge from Eblees 11 . Museebah (calamity) 75 Thanks ! 75 Spending (Sadaqah) 73 Satisfaction 73 People who are mislead 17 Dead people 17 Muslimeen 41 .J Jihad 41 Gold8 .E Easy life 8 Magic 60 .F Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) ! 60 . Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32 . Mind 49 . Noor 49Tongue 25 .S Sermon 25 Desite 8 .F Fear 8 Speaking publicly 18 P Publicising 18 . Hardship 114 …. Patience 114 Muhammed 4 .S Sharee’ah ( Muhammed’s teachings) 4 . Man 24 . Woman 24

And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following words appear: Salat 5 , Month 12 , Day 365 , Sea 32 , Land 13 Sea + land = 32 + 13 = 45 Sea = 32/45*100q.= 71.11111111% Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889% Sea + land 100.00% Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers 71.111% of the earth, while the land covers28.889%. Is this a coincidence? Question is that Who taught Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) all this? Reply automatically comes in mind that ALMIGHTY ALLAH taught him. This as theHoly Qur’an also tells us this. please pass this on to all your friends Aayah 87 of Suraa (Chapter) Al-Anbia ! para 17 :
During the next 60 seconds, stop whatever you are doing, and take this opportunity. (Literally, it is only 1 minute). All you have to do is The following: PLEASE SEND THIS TO ALL PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW. ALLAH SUBHANA WA TAALA WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.

accessing 24 hour MSN / yahoo messenger from handphone in Jakarta

I have been 2 years using my phone to access yahoo messenger in Jakarta. The daily cost is relatively cheap, for around 24 hour connection per day I spend 200-400KB a day, this costs IDR 2000-4000 (20-40 cent USD) a day if using GPRS XL (XL Explor post paid package) or CDMA Starone pre-paid package.

My old thera audiovox PDA phone uses CDMA Starone and Agile Messenger.

While Sony Erriccson K610i uses XL Explor post paid and Reporo Messenger. M600i uses Agile Messenger and XL Explor or sometime Centrin-XL unlimited mobile internet package.

Using this combination I can be online everywhere and anytime in Jakarta or even when traveling out of Jakarta hundreds kilometers away.

Playlist of Muslim conversion, inspiring

I am sorry if you dislike this, just skip not read this copied-message. Thanks.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next

Many Christian Africans Convert Daily To ISLAM .. Live Shahadas From South Africa.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.

The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

check it out !!

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of british people convert to islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Islam - World's Fastest Growing Religion

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

More Sources:

Learn more about islam:

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the Sword of intellect and Wisdom .

in islam before we believe we have to get the Evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims don`t look islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

many people don`t think how they came to this life and what is waiting them after death. they just do not want to think about their death although they must meet it.......

The followers of other religions have no decisive proof for their belief, therefore they believe in their religions emotionally or through imitation. Some of them think that you just have to have faith without clear proof. However when it comes to normal things in life people apply a lot of thought such as buying a car, house, choosing a University course or which bank to join, so how can it be that when it comes to the most important questions about life; which define the purpose of our lives that we should just have 'faith' without being convinced absolutely.

It is therefore vital for a Muslim to believe in the existence of Allah (swt) without any doubt whatsoever and to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and that the Qur'an is the final revelation sent by Allah (swt) to humanity. Islam is unlike all the other religions as it has a decisive proof that convinces the mind.

Read and Listen Holy Quran online:

Discover Islam Web Book CD..
A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam..For Muslims and non Muslims:
VG TV Report: Norwegian Man embraced Islam after reading Quran.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.

The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

check it out !!

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of british people convert to islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Islam - World's Fastest Growing Religion

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

More Sources:

Learn more about islam:

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the Sword of intellect and Wisdom .

in islam before we believe we have to get the Evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims don`t look islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

many people don`t think how they came to this life and what is waiting them after death. they just do not want to think about their death although they must meet it.......

The followers of other religions have no decisive proof for their belief, therefore they believe in their religions emotionally or through imitation. Some of them think that you just have to have faith without clear proof. However when it comes to normal things in life people apply a lot of thought such as buying a car, house, choosing a University course or which bank to join, so how can it be that when it comes to the most important questions about life; which define the purpose of our lives that we should just have 'faith' without being convinced absolutely.

It is therefore vital for a Muslim to believe in the existence of Allah (swt) without any doubt whatsoever and to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and that the Qur'an is the final revelation sent by Allah (swt) to humanity. Islam is unlike all the other religions as it has a decisive proof that convinces the mind.

Read and Listen Holy Quran online:

Discover Islam Web Book CD..
A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam..For Muslims and non Muslims:
RTL Aktuell: 4000 Germans Convert To ISLAM Each Year..

ISLAM is spreading in Germany rapidly..
According to the german Channels, RTL & 3Sat, there is about 4000 new muslim Germans every year. More than half of the number are women.

More Germans convert to islam:

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.

The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

check it out !!

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of british people convert to islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Islam - World's Fastest Growing Religion

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

More Sources:

Learn more about islam:

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the Sword of intellect and Wisdom .

in islam before we believe we have to get the Evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims don`t look islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

many people don`t think how they came to this life and what is waiting them after death. they just do not want to think about their death although they must meet it.......

The followers of other religions have no decisive proof for their belief, therefore they believe in their religions emotionally or through imitation. Some of them think that you just have to have faith without clear proof. However when it comes to normal things in life people apply a lot of thought such as buying a car, house, choosing a University course or which bank to join, so how can it be that when it comes to the most important questions about life; which define the purpose of our lives that we should just have 'faith' without being convinced absolutely.

It is therefore vital for a Muslim to believe in the existence of Allah (swt) without any doubt whatsoever and to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and that the Qur'an is the final revelation sent by Allah (swt) to humanity. Islam is unlike all the other religions as it has a decisive proof that convinces the mind.

Read and Listen Holy Quran online:

Discover Islam Web Book CD..
A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam..For Muslims and non Muslims:
Connect with Tony @ his YouTube channel:
Added: 1 month ago
Views: 1,206
VG TV Report: Norwegian Man embraced Islam after reading Quran.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.

The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

check it out !!

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of british people convert to islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Islam - World's Fastest Growing Religion

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

More Sources:

Learn more about islam:

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the Sword of intellect and Wisdom .

in islam before we believe we have to get the Evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims don`t look islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

many people don`t think how they came to this life and what is waiting them after death. they just do not want to think about their death although they must meet it.......

The followers of other religions have no decisive proof for their belief, therefore they believe in their religions emotionally or through imitation. Some of them think that you just have to have faith without clear proof. However when it comes to normal things in life people apply a lot of thought such as buying a car, house, choosing a University course or which bank to join, so how can it be that when it comes to the most important questions about life; which define the purpose of our lives that we should just have 'faith' without being convinced absolutely.

It is therefore vital for a Muslim to believe in the existence of Allah (swt) without any doubt whatsoever and to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and that the Qur'an is the final revelation sent by Allah (swt) to humanity. Islam is unlike all the other religions as it has a decisive proof that convinces the mind.

Read and Listen Holy Quran online:

Discover Islam Web Book CD..
A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam..For Muslims and non Muslims:
Summary: Brother Ibraheem (former christian) from France loves islam and prophet Mohammed and he is trying to do every thing the same like him also..
He is active in carrying islamic preaching and service of Islam to others..
more than ten people have converted to islam through him so far...

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.

The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

check it out !!

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of british people convert to islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Islam - World's Fastest Growing Religion

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

More Sources:

Learn more about islam:

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the Sword of intellect and Wisdom .

in islam before we believe we have to get the Evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims don`t look islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

many people don`t think how they came to this life and what is waiting them after death. they just do not want to think about their death although they must meet it.......

The followers of other religions have no decisive proof for their belief, therefore they believe in their religions emotionally or through imitation. Some of them think that you just have to have faith without clear proof. However when it comes to normal things in life people apply a lot of thought such as buying a car, house, choosing a University course or which bank to join, so how can it be that when it comes to the most important questions about life; which define the purpose of our lives that we should just have 'faith' without being convinced absolutely.

It is therefore vital for a Muslim to believe in the existence of Allah (swt) without any doubt whatsoever and to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and that the Qur'an is the final revelation sent by Allah (swt) to humanity. Islam is unlike all the other religions as it has a decisive proof that convinces the mind.

Read and Listen Holy Quran online:

Discover Islam Web Book CD..
A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam..For Muslims and non Muslims:
On aljazeera TV 6/2/2008: The Coptic Church in Eygpt testifies that 1,8 Million arab Christians embraced Islam in the last 36 years..

Bishop Maximos transferring from the Coptic Church the Recognition that there are between 80 to 200 coptic Christians are converting to Islam every day in Egypt alone ..

And he says that according to the audio recording of the senior Priests in the Coptic church which is recorded in the CD which is in his hand that there are more than 50,000 Arab Christians leaving Christianity and turning to Islam annually.

The names of priests and Bishops who were at the meeting recorded in that CD:

Bishop Anba Bakhumeos lake and the Directorate of liberation and Nitrite and five northern cities of the West Africa

Bishop Anba Taodharos the General Bishop of the Church of the lake in Egypt

Daniel General Bishop Anba

General Bishop Anba Moussa

Priest Anstasi Alsamuili: was the secretary Pope Shenouda ...... And others

And most members of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Listen to the testimonies of priests in the audio recording on this link:

Special Thanks to the Brothers: (sar7an00) and (dodofan) for the Translation and the Burning of the English subtitles on this video..

Many thanks for brother QuranExplorer
Many Christian Africans Convert Daily To ISLAM .. Live Shahadas From South Africa.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.

The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

check it out !!

CNN WORLD NEWS: Islam is the fastest-growing religion

Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States:

Times on line: Thousands of british people convert to islam every year:

Why European women are turning to Islam:

Washington-Report: The Nation's Fastest Growing Religion

Washington Post: Islam Luring More Latinos

Islam is spreading among Thousands black South Africans

Washington Post: Islam Attracting Many Thousands Survivors of Rwanda Genocide

Islam - World's Fastest Growing Religion

Many Converts to Islam Homepage:

More Sources:

Learn more about islam:

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the Sword of intellect and Wisdom .

in islam before we believe we have to get the Evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims don`t look islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

many people don`t think how they came to this life and what is waiting them after death. they just do not want to think about their death although they must meet it.......

The followers of other religions have no decisive proof for their belief, therefore they believe in their religions emotionally or through imitation. Some of them think that you just have to have faith without clear proof. However when it comes to normal things in life people apply a lot of thought such as buying a car, house, choosing a University course or which bank to join, so how can it be that when it comes to the most important questions about life; which define the purpose of our lives that we should just have 'faith' without being convinced absolutely.

It is therefore vital for a Muslim to believe in the existence of Allah (swt) without any doubt whatsoever and to believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad (saw) and that the Qur'an is the final revelation sent by Allah (swt) to humanity. Islam is unlike all the other religions as it has a decisive proof that convinces the mind.

Read and Listen Holy Quran online:

Discover Islam Web Book CD..
A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam..For Muslims and non Muslims:
In the Holy Quran Jesus is mentioned twenty five times.
For example:

"We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (The Holy Quran 2:87)

"O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..." (3:45)

"...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (4:171)

"...And in their foot steps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (5:46)

"And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (6:85)

Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five places in the Holy Quran, he is also addressed with respect as: Ibn Maryam, meaning "The son of Mary"; and as the Maseeh (in Hebrew it is the Messiah), which is translated as "Christ". He is also known as Abdullah, "The servant of Allah"; and as Rasul u Allah, the messenger of Allah.

He is spoken of as "The Word of God", as "The Spirit of God", as a "Sign of God", and numerous other epithets of honor spread over fifteen different chapters. The Holy Quran honors this mighty messenger of God, and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen hundred years in doing the same.

A comprehensive learning guide to understanding Islam.
For Muslims and non Muslims.
Ever more Germans convert to the Islam; The number of those new converts since 2004 has been doubled several times .. (now 4000 per year)

These are not only women who marry muslim men, but Germans who convert to the religion of Islam by rational Conviction ..

ISLAM is spreading in Germany rapidly..
According to the german Channels, RTL & 3Sat, there is about 4000 new muslim Germans every year. More than half of the number are women.

More Germans Convert To ISLAM:
Added: 6 months ago
Views: 19,840